Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thieves Everywhere

Esther has been calling me regularly to report things missing from her place. "Someone has stolen my . . . . ". That started back when she was still in her duplex in Gladstone. What keeps disappearing is her alcohol--not the rubbing kind. I asked her what the chances were that she'd have the same problem in both places--that her alcohol would keep disappearing? She didn't have an answer for that. Right now it's her sunglasses, her wine (a whole gallon bottle), her purse, her wallet--today it was the cheese I brought over for her yesterday. Amazingly everything turns up--except for all the alcohol. I did notice that by the count of empty and full jugs of wine in her apartment I saw this week--the lost gallon was found, or at least the empty one was. The part that stymies is the fact that Jerry looked high and low through the apartment and did not find it over a week ago. Maybe outside in the bushes? To keep someone from seeing that she had it? Who knows. Tonight she was absolutely disgusted with herself because she couldn't find her wallet again. It is in her purse, I saw her put it in there right before she got out of the car tonight at 5 p.m. when I dropped her off. It's hard to not remember and to be confused and know that something is not right. Esther likes to come to a conclusion or a solution to the puzzle, such as being sure that her ex-landlord was coming into the duplex at night and drinking the vodka and eating her food. He lived on the other side of Portland, and never came over there, even when somehting needed fixing, but she is convinced of the solution she came up with. Now she knows that everything that was "stolen" this past week turned up right there in her apartment right where she had left it. Sobering and frustrating.

Tomorrow we call to schedule her appointment for surgery. Hopefully it will be soon so she can be healing well by her birthday in October.

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