Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Like Vineyard Place Better

I'm at Joy's helping to toilet train Oliver and so far so good. Jerry called last night to say that Esther told him she wants to go back to Vineyard Place. (Yaaaaay!!)She is "tired". Last week I went to her house one day, took her out and we ended up at Safeway and she really wanted me to leave her there and let her walk home. I followed her very sneakily in my car, going around the blocks. How she did not kill herself, literally running helter-skelter across the busier street I don't know. She also staggered more than she walked (eyesight?), looked more worried about figureing out where she was than enjoying the walk. The final straw for her, we think, was that her doctor called and said that her bone scan showed severe osteoporosis. Luckily Jerry answered that call, I listened in. Jerry was the one to tell her about it, too. Her doctor gave her strict instructions about how to avoid a break--like not running,stay on the pavement, be careful.(The fractured pelvis from last July is not forgotten, it was a long, painful recovery.) Well, she readily told Jerry that she had done all the things she wasn't supposed to just the day before. She knows full well that she can't trust herself to not try to "go a different way" or "take a shortcut". She get's so frustrated with herself, and I think she had a lot more peace at Vineyard Place. I know she thrived there, inspite of her constant dissatisfaction with life in general. That follows wherever she goes. So, here's to Esther for knowing she needs to take care of herself!

1 comment:

Trac said...

Yeah, that's really good that she wants to go back to Vineyard Place. How long did it take her to figure that out?